
Blog Entries by "Amy Jennings ”

Vaccine Distribution

Vaccine Distribution

February 03, 2021

Vaccine distribution is complicated. Especially when it’s a new vaccine and there is not enough to meet demand. Let's talk about how distribution works for the Spokane region.

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COVID-19 Vaccine

COVID-19 Vaccine

December 31, 2020

There is a great deal of information coming out about the new COVID-19 vaccines. With a lot of information comes a lot of questions. Some of these questions can be answered by health authorities and some simply don’t have answers right now. Two major concerns we would like to talk about are safety and when everybody will get the vaccine.

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Holiday Gatherings

Holiday Gatherings

December 15, 2020

We’ve made it through a lot this year! We’ve realized how important friends and family are, we’ve learned to express gratitude for the hard work of so many workers we’ve taken for granted, and we’ve learned just how connected we are to each other. Now that the holiday season is here, we can use those lessons to make this a season to remember. Get creative and have some fun with it!

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Eating Well is a Powerful Tool to Help Prevent and Manage Diabetes

Eating Well is a Powerful Tool to Help Prevent and Manage Diabetes

November 23, 2020

COVID-19 does not stop the need to address other health issues we may have. In fact, it reminds us how important it is to keep ourselves as healthy as possible. November is American Diabetes Month, and we want to share about one program that is working hard to support people who have or are at risk for diabetes.

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